Black Coffee

TSh 3,000

Black coffee, a timeless beverage enjoyed worldwide, is a simple yet bold concoction made from freshly brewed coffee without any additions like milk or sugar. It embodies the pure essence of coffee beans, delivering a rich and intense flavor that appeals to aficionados seeking a strong caffeine kick.

The origins of black coffee trace back to ancient coffee-drinking traditions in Ethiopia, where coffee beans were first discovered. From there, coffee cultivation spread to the Arabian Peninsula and eventually reached Europe during the Renaissance. By the 17th century, coffeehouses became popular social hubs across continents, offering patrons the invigorating taste of black coffee.

Today, black coffee remains a staple in cafes and homes globally, appreciated for its robust taste and stimulating properties. Whether enjoyed as a morning ritual or an afternoon pick-me-up, black coffee continues to captivate coffee enthusiasts with its pure and unadulterated profile.


TSh 4,000

Buttermilk, a traditional dairy-based beverage, is a tangy and refreshing drink made from the liquid leftover after churning butter from cream. It is commonly consumed in various cultures around the world, known for its cooling properties and subtle tangy flavor.

The process of making buttermilk involves fermenting either traditionally churned buttermilk or more commonly used liquid ingredients.

Cold Coffee

TSh 5,000

Cold coffee, a refreshing and chilled beverage, is a delightful blend of chilled brewed coffee, milk, sugar, and ice. This popular drink offers a cool and invigorating way to enjoy the flavors of coffee on a hot day or as a delightful treat at any time.

The origins of cold coffee can be traced back to the 19th century when cold coffee drinks became popular in Europe and America. Initially served as a frappe or café glacé, these chilled coffee creations eventually evolved into various forms, including the beloved cold coffee we enjoy today.

In modern times, cold coffee has become a beloved option at cafes and coffeehouses worldwide, often accompanied by creative variations like flavored syrups, whipped cream, or even blended with ice cream for a decadent twist. Whether sipped leisurely on a sunny afternoon or grabbed on the go, cold coffee offers a refreshing alternative to its hot counterpart, captivating coffee enthusiasts with its cool and invigorating taste.

Fresh Juice

TSh 5,000

Fresh juice, a vibrant and invigorating beverage, is a pure and wholesome drink made from freshly squeezed fruits or vegetables. This delightful concoction captures the essence of ripe produce, offering a burst of natural flavors and nutrients in every sip.

The concept of fresh juice dates back centuries, with humans pressing fruits and vegetables to extract their liquid goodness long before modern juicing methods emerged. Today, fresh juice is enjoyed worldwide for its refreshing taste and health benefits, providing a convenient way to consume essential vitamins and minerals.

To prepare fresh juice, ripe fruits like oranges, apples, pineapples, or vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, and kale are juiced using a blender, juicer, or manual press. The extracted juice is then strained to remove the pulp, resulting in a smooth and flavorful beverage that can be enjoyed on its own or combined with other ingredients for creative juice blends.

Fresh juice is a popular choice for breakfast, brunch, or as a revitalizing pick-me-up throughout the day. Its versatility allows for endless flavor combinations, making it a favorite among health-conscious individuals and juice enthusiasts alike. Whether served chilled or over ice, fresh juice embodies the natural goodness of fruits and vegetables, offering a refreshing and nourishing experience with each glass.

Hot Milk Coffee

TSh 4,000

Hot milk coffee, a comforting and creamy beverage, is a delightful blend of freshly brewed coffee and steamed milk. This classic concoction offers a smooth and mellow experience, combining the bold flavors of coffee with the comforting richness of milk.

The origins of hot milk coffee can be traced back to Europe, where the concept of combining coffee and milk gained popularity during the 17th century. As coffee became more accessible and affordable, people experimented with different ways to enjoy it, leading to the creation of this soothing drink.

In modern times, hot milk coffee is cherished around the world, often served as a morning indulgence or an afternoon treat. Its velvety texture and balanced flavor appeal to coffee lovers looking for a cozy and satisfying beverage to enjoy throughout the day. Whether prepared at home or ordered from a cafe, hot milk coffee remains a beloved choice for those seeking a comforting coffee experience.

Ice Cream Coffee

TSh 7,000

Ice cream coffee, a delightful indulgence, is a decadent combination of rich coffee and creamy ice cream. This luscious treat blends the bold flavors of coffee with the smoothness of ice cream, creating a luxurious and satisfying dessert-like beverage.

The concept of ice cream coffee has its roots in affogato, an Italian dessert that traditionally consists of a scoop of vanilla gelato or ice cream “drowned” in a shot of hot espresso. Over time, variations emerged, incorporating cold coffee and different ice cream flavors to create a refreshing and irresistible drink.

In modern times, ice cream coffee is enjoyed as a delightful treat at cafes and dessert parlors, offering a delightful contrast of temperatures and textures. Popular variations include coffee-flavored ice cream floats, espresso milkshakes, or even elaborate coffee-based sundaes featuring layers of ice cream, espresso, and toppings.

Whether enjoyed as a dessert or an indulgent pick-me-up, ice cream coffee continues to captivate coffee lovers with its luxurious blend of coffee and creamy goodness, making it a beloved choice for those seeking a sweet and satisfying coffee experience.

Mango / Passion Lassi

TSh 8,000

Mango lassi, a popular variation of the traditional Indian yogurt-based drink, is a delightful and tropical beverage made with ripe mangoes, yogurt, water, and a touch of sugar. This creamy and fruity concoction is cherished for its refreshing and sweet flavors.

The origins of mango lassi can be traced to India, where mangoes are celebrated as the king of fruits. During mango season, which typically falls in the summer months, ripe mangoes are pureed and blended with yogurt to create this luscious drink. The natural sweetness of mangoes pairs perfectly with the tanginess of yogurt, resulting in a smooth and velvety texture.

To prepare mango lassi, fresh mango pulp is combined with chilled yogurt and water, then sweetened with sugar or honey to taste. The mixture is blended until creamy and served cold, often garnished with a sprinkle of ground cardamom or a few slivers of almonds for added flair.

Mango lassi is a beloved beverage enjoyed across India and in Indian restaurants worldwide, especially during hot weather when the refreshing taste of mango provides a delightful escape from the heat. Whether enjoyed as a standalone treat or alongside spicy Indian dishes, mango lassi captures the essence of summer with its tropical and creamy goodness, making it a favorite among both locals and enthusiasts of Indian cuisine.

Masala Chai

TSh 3,000

Masala chai is an aromatic beverage originating from India. It is made with a combination of sweetened black tea and milk that is spiced with a masala mix—which typically includes cardamom, ground ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and black peppercorns.

However, the choice and the exact proportion of spices often vary. Although there are several theories that claim otherwise, the origin of chai masala is mostly associated with the British tea trade. In the 19th century, the Chinese had a monopoly on the tea trade, and the British looked for other markets that would fulfill the high demand for black tea—which was a firm European favorite.

Their quest brought them to India, where they started to set up tea plantations. It is believed that masala chai first appeared during that period, but it only became a popular option in the 20th century when the Indian Tea Association promoted tea breaks as a much-needed refreshment for workers and when tea became more affordable.

In India, the drink is mainly prepared and sold at challah stalls, but modern interpretations of masala chai are enjoyed around the world.


TSh 7,000

Milkshakes are usually described as flavored milk and ice cream beverages, usually lavishly decorated and served cold. The first written mention, dating from 1885, was somewhat different, and the word was used to refer to a whiskey drink, similar to eggnog, which was used as a health remedy.

At the end of the 19th century, milkshakes were already prepared as milk-based drinks made with flavored syrups. The invention of malted milk powders which contained dried milk, malted barley, and wheat flour, along with the popularization of electric blenders, inspired the creation of a more familiar milkshake version.

These inventions transformed the old-fashioned milkshake into a creamy and airy form that we are more familiar with today. The final contribution to the modern milkshake was made by Ivar “Pop” Coulson, an employee at the Walgreens supermarket, who added scoops of vanilla ice cream to the already famous malted drink.

The creamy, cold drink became an instant hit among Americans, especially teenagers, who would regularly enjoy their milkshakes in diners and fast-food restaurants. The soda fountains equipped with different flavored milkshakes were also put in drugstores as a quick and convenient refreshment.

Although not as popular as they were in the 1950s and the 1960s, they are still a crucial part of American culture, reminiscent of youth and enjoyment. This frothy, refreshing beverage is also favored in Australia and the United Kingdom, where it is usually sold in fast-food restaurants and specialized establishments.

Modern-day milkshakes, on the other hand, include some unusual varieties such as mango or mocha, and might include luxury ingredients or even be spiked with alcohol. The recent growth in popularity has led to the emergence of numerous artisan shops that create show-stopping milkshake creations infused with popular candies, whipped cream, marshmallows, and even bacon or blended doughnuts!

Plain Lassi

TSh 6,000

Plain lassi, a traditional Indian yogurt-based drink, is a refreshing and tangy beverage made with yogurt, water, and sometimes a touch of sugar. This iconic drink is popular across India, particularly during hot summer months, for its cooling and soothing properties.

The origins of lassi can be traced back centuries in Indian culinary traditions, where it served as a refreshing drink to accompany spicy meals and aid in digestion. The simplicity of plain lassi highlights the natural tartness of yogurt, making it a versatile drink that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with savory dishes like biryani or kebabs.

To prepare plain lassi, fresh yogurt is blended with water until smooth and frothy. Some variations may include a hint of sugar or salt, depending on personal preference and regional recipes. The result is a creamy, slightly tangy beverage that provides a welcome respite from the heat.

Today, plain lassi remains a beloved beverage in India and beyond, enjoyed for its refreshing taste and probiotic benefits. Whether sipped leisurely on a sunny afternoon or enjoyed alongside a flavorful meal, plain lassi continues to hold a special place in Indian culinary culture, offering a delightful taste of tradition.


TSh 1,000

Soda, a fizzy and refreshing beverage, is a carbonated drink enjoyed for its bubbly texture and variety of flavors. This popular drink has a long history dating back to the late 18th century when carbonation was first introduced to beverages.

The term “soda” typically refers to a carbonated water-based drink flavored with syrups or extracts. Common soda flavors include cola, lemon-lime, orange, root beer, and many more. These drinks are known for their effervescence, which is created by dissolving carbon dioxide gas into the liquid under pressure.

Sodas can be enjoyed on their own as a thirst-quenching treat or used as mixers in cocktails and mocktails. The sweet and bubbly nature of soda makes it a popular choice for parties, gatherings, and casual dining occasions.

Despite concerns about sugar content and health impacts associated with excessive consumption, soda remains a beloved beverage choice for many, offering a familiar and enjoyable drinking experience with its signature fizz and diverse flavor options.


TSh 1,000

Mineral water is a type of bottled water sourced from natural springs or underground reservoirs that contain various minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and bicarbonate. Unlike regular tap water, mineral water is prized for its unique taste and potential health benefits due to its mineral content.

The process of creating mineral water involves extracting water from underground sources, which naturally accumulate minerals as they move through layers of rock and soil. The water is then filtered to remove impurities and bottled without undergoing significant treatment that would alter its mineral composition.

Mineral water is enjoyed worldwide for its refreshing and crisp taste, often served chilled or at room temperature. It is commonly consumed as a hydrating beverage and is also used in cooking, mixing with spirits for cocktails, or as a base for flavored sparkling water.

Due to its perceived health benefits, mineral water is favored by those seeking a natural alternative to sugary or artificially flavored drinks. Whether sipped straight from the bottle or incorporated into culinary creations, mineral water offers a refreshing and mineral-rich option for hydration and enjoyment.

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Our family is committed to preparing your meals with the freshest ingredients that are healthy and safe to eat.